One third of vanilla ice cream provides about 145 kcal of energy. A typical adult uses about 195 kcal/hr of energy while walking. If all of the energy in one third of a cup of vanilla ice cream were to be burned off by walking, how many minutes would it take for this energy to be used?

195 kcal/hr x #hr = 145 kcal

Solve for hr and convert to minutes.
#hr x (60 min/hr) = # min

To find out how many minutes it would take to burn off the energy from one third of a cup of vanilla ice cream, we need to calculate the amount of time required to burn 145 kcal of energy at a rate of 195 kcal/hr.

First, we convert the rate of energy expenditure from per hour to per minute. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, we divide the rate by 60:

195 kcal/hr ÷ 60 min/hr = 3.25 kcal/min

Next, we divide the energy content of one third of a cup of vanilla ice cream (145 kcal) by the rate of energy expenditure per minute (3.25 kcal/min):

145 kcal ÷ 3.25 kcal/min ≈ 44.6 min

Therefore, it would take approximately 44.6 minutes to burn off the energy from one third of a cup of vanilla ice cream by walking at a rate of 195 kcal/hr.