AA climbing gym charges $10 to climb each day.A pair of climbing shoes costs $84.it costs $169 to buy 6 days of climbing,one pair of climbing shoes,and one harness.how much does a harness cost

I'm in the fourth grade lol

Let H = cost of harness

shoes: 84
6 days of climbing: 60

169 - (84 + 60) = H

I don't. No

UH, aren't you suppose to tell me the answer??? DUH, I want to see the answer to this problem, isn't that what ur suppose to be doing? Telling the answer? UGH, Worst math source EVER I'm never using this site again, sorry.


25 dollars kids easy

you think im a fool the answer is 26 DUHHHHH!!!!!!


To determine the cost of the harness, we need to subtract the costs of the climbing gym passes ($10 per day) and the climbing shoes ($84) from the total cost of $169 for 6 days of climbing, one pair of climbing shoes, and one harness.

First, let's calculate the cost of the climbing gym passes for 6 days:
Number of climbing gym passes = 6 days
Cost per gym pass = $10
Total cost of climbing gym passes = 6 days * $10/day = $60.

Next, let's subtract the cost of the climbing gym passes from the total cost:
Total cost - Climbing gym passes = $169 - $60 = $109.

Finally, let's subtract the cost of the climbing shoes from the remaining total cost to find the cost of the harness:
Remaining total cost - Cost of climbing shoes = $109 - $84 = $25.

Therefore, the harness costs $25.