Ask the user to enter the discount percentage(rate) offered in a sale

Accept the discount percentage from the user

Ask the user to enter the price for three different sales item

Accept the prices of the three sale items

Compute the total price of the three items

Compute the discount received

Compute the total price payable

Print the price payable

Use the headings:
• Purpose
• Declare variables
• Initialize variable
• Processing


The purpose of this program is to calculate the total price payable for three sale items, given the discount percentage offered.

Declare variables:
We need to declare the following variables:
- discountRate: to store the discount percentage entered by the user.
- item1Price, item2Price, item3Price: to store the prices of three different sale items entered by the user.
- totalPrice: to store the total price of the three items.
- discountReceived: to store the amount of discount received.
- totalPricePayable: to store the total price payable after applying the discount.

Initialize variables:
Before we can use the variables, we need to initialize them. Set totalPrice, discountReceived, and totalPricePayable initially to 0.

Accept the discount percentage:
Ask the user to enter the discount percentage (rate) offered in the sale. Accept the entered value and store it in the variable discountRate.

Accept the prices of the sale items:
Ask the user to enter the price for three different sale items. Accept the entered prices and store them in the variables item1Price, item2Price, and item3Price.

Compute the total price:
To calculate the total price, add the prices of the three items. Store the result in the variable totalPrice.

Compute the discount received:
Multiply the total price by the discount rate (discountRate divided by 100) to calculate the discount amount. Store the result in the variable discountReceived.

Compute the total price payable:
Subtract the discount received from the total price to get the total price payable. Store the result in the variable totalPricePayable.

Print the price payable:
Display the total price payable to the user.

Here's an example of the implementation in Python:

# Declare variables
discountRate = 0.0
item1Price = 0.0
item2Price = 0.0
item3Price = 0.0
totalPrice = 0.0
discountReceived = 0.0
totalPricePayable = 0.0

# Accept the discount percentage from the user
discountRate = float(input("Enter the discount percentage offered in the sale: "))

# Accept the prices of the three sale items
item1Price = float(input("Enter the price of the first item: "))
item2Price = float(input("Enter the price of the second item: "))
item3Price = float(input("Enter the price of the third item: "))

# Compute the total price of the three items
totalPrice = item1Price + item2Price + item3Price

# Compute the discount received
discountReceived = totalPrice * (discountRate / 100)

# Compute the total price payable
totalPricePayable = totalPrice - discountReceived

# Print the total price payable
print("The total price payable is:", totalPricePayable)

This code will prompt the user to enter the discount percentage and the prices of the three items. It will then calculate the total price of the three items, the discount received, and the total price payable, and finally print the result.


The purpose of this program is to calculate the total price payable after applying a discount to three sale items.

Declare variables:
rate - to store the discount percentage
price1, price2, price3 - to store the prices of the three sale items
totalPrice - to store the total price of the three items
discount - to store the discount received
payable - to store the total price payable

Initialize variables:
totalPrice = 0
discount = 0
payable = 0

1. Ask the user to enter the discount percentage(rate).
2. Accept the discount percentage from the user and store it in the variable "rate".
3. Ask the user to enter the price for three different sales items.
4. Accept the prices of the three sale items and store them in variables price1, price2, and price3.
5. Compute the total price of the three items by adding price1, price2, and price3, and store the sum in the variable "totalPrice".
6. Compute the discount received by multiplying totalPrice with rate divided by 100 and store the result in the variable "discount".
7. Compute the total price payable by subtracting discount from totalPrice and store the result in the variable "payable".
8. Print the price payable.

Note: The actual code may vary based on the programming language used.