How much should you invest at 3% simple interest in order to earn $95 interest in 8 months?


95 = P * 0.03 * 0.66667

95 = 0.002P

47,500 = P

How much should you invest at 3.7% simple interest in order to earn $95 interest in 3 months?

To calculate how much you should invest at 3% simple interest in order to earn $95 interest in 8 months, you can use the formula for simple interest:

Interest = Principal * Rate * Time

In this case, the interest is $95, the rate is 3% (or 0.03), and the time is 8 months (or 8/12 = 2/3 years). Let's denote the principal as P.

95 = P * 0.03 * (2/3)

Simplifying the equation:

95 = P * 0.02

To isolate P and solve for the principal:

P = 95 / 0.02

P ≈ $4,750

Therefore, you should invest approximately $4,750 in order to earn $95 interest at 3% simple interest in 8 months.

To solve this problem, we can use the simple interest formula:

Interest = Principal * Rate * Time

- Interest is the amount of interest earned,
- Principal is the amount you invest,
- Rate is the annual interest rate, and
- Time is the duration of the investment in years.

In this case, we want to find the Principal, so we rearrange the formula:

Principal = Interest / (Rate * Time)

Let's plug in the given values:

Interest = $95
Rate = 3% = 0.03 (expressed as a decimal)
Time = 8 months = 8/12 years (since the interest rate is expressed as an annual rate)

Principal = $95 / (0.03 * (8/12))

Simplifying this expression:

Principal = $95 / (0.03 * 2/3)
Principal = $95 / 0.02

Now, we can calculate the Principal:

Principal = $4,750

So, you should invest $4,750 at 3% simple interest to earn $95 in 8 months.