Directions are "Order these integer decimals from least to greatest: +.125, -.1428, -0.025 (with a repeating 5), 0.2.

I'm thinking that ordering from least to greatest would be:
-.1428, -0.025, .125, 0.20


To order these decimal numbers from least to greatest, follow these steps:

1. Remove the positive/negative signs and focus only on the absolute values of the numbers: 0.125, 0.1428, 0.025, and 0.2.
2. Compare the whole number parts of each decimal. Since all of the numbers are less than 1, the whole parts are 0 for all of them.
3. Compare the first decimal place (tenths). We have 0.125, 0.1428, 0.025, and 0.2. The smallest number out of these is 0.025.
4. Compare the second decimal place (hundredths). We have 0.125, 0.1428, and 0.2. The smallest number out of these is 0.125.
5. Lastly, compare the third decimal place (thousandths). We have 0.1428 and 0.2. The smallest number out of these is 0.1428.

Therefore, the correct order from least to greatest is -0.025 (with repeating 5), 0.125, 0.1428, and 0.2.