In Parallelogram PARK,

angle P = (7x) degree
angle A = (3x - 20) degree
angle K = (5y - 10) degree.
What is x + y?

opposite angles are equal, and consecutive angles are supplementary, so

3x-20 = 5y-10
7x + 3x-20 = 180

x+y = 30

In a parallelogram, opposite angles are equal. Therefore, angle P = angle K.

Given, angle P = (7x) degrees and angle K = (5y - 10) degrees.

Setting them equal:
7x = 5y - 10

Let's solve for x:

7x + 10 = 5y
7x = 5y - 10

Since we know that angle A = (3x - 20) degrees, we can substitute the value of x into this equation:

A = 3x - 20
A = 3(5y - 10) - 20
A = 15y - 30 - 20
A = 15y - 50

Since P = K, we have:
7x = 5y - 10

We can equate it to angle A:
7x = 15y - 50

Now, we have a system of equations:

7x = 5y - 10 (Equation 1)
7x = 15y - 50 (Equation 2)

Subtracting Equation 1 from Equation 2:

7x - 7x = 15y - 5y - 50 + 10
0 = 10y - 40


10y = 40
y = 40/10
y = 4

Now, we can substitute the value of y back into Equation 1 to solve for x:

7x = 5(4) - 10
7x = 20 - 10
7x = 10
x = 10/7

So, x = 10/7 and y = 4. To find x + y:

x + y = 10/7 + 4.

Therefore, x + y = 10/7 + 4 = (10 + 28)/7 = 38/7.

To find the value of x + y, we need to use the fact that the sum of the interior angles of a parallelogram is always 360 degrees.

In Parallelogram PARK, we are given the measures of angles P, A, and K as follows:

Angle P = 7x degrees
Angle A = (3x - 20) degrees
Angle K = (5y - 10) degrees

Since we know that the sum of the interior angles of a parallelogram is 360 degrees, we can write the equation:

Angle P + Angle A + Angle R + Angle K = 360 degrees

Substituting the given angle measurements, we have:

7x + (3x - 20) + R + (5y - 10) = 360

Now, let's simplify the equation:

7x + 3x - 20 + R + 5y - 10 = 360

Combining like terms:

10x - 30 + R + 5y = 360

Now, let's group the terms with x and the terms with y separately:

10x + 5y + R - 30 = 360

From this equation, we can see that the value of x and y are not directly given. We need additional information or equations to solve for x and y.

Therefore, without more information, we cannot determine the value of x + y.