help me plzz and ill pay you back

3. All of the following acts were imposed on the colonies by the British EXCEPT (1 point)
the Tea Act.
the Intolerable Acts
.the Salt Act.the Stamp Act.
4. South Carolina responded to the Intolerable Acts by __________. (1 point)
holding small “tea parties” in Charles Town and Georgetown
sending representatives to the First Continental Congress
drafting a state constitution and setting up a new government
boycotting merchants who imported goods from Britain
5. What happened at the historic Charles Town General Meeting of July 6, 1774? (1 point)
Colonists drafted a letter to Britain explaining their position.
Representatives from all parts of South Carolina met for the first time.
A shipment of tea was seized and stored beneath the Old Exchange.
Delegates decided not to buy from or sell any more goods to Britain.
6. Which of the following statements about loyalists is NOT true? (1 point)
Loyalists supported the Continental Congress.
Most loyalists in South Carolina lived in the Up Country.
Loyalists supported the King.
Loyalists were also known as Royalists or Tories.
10. British troops occupied the primary residence and summer home of _______ before the patriots burned it. (1 point)
Emily Geiger's family
Francis Marion's family
Rebecca Motte's family
Colonel William Bratton's family

my answers:

3. b - no

4. d - I don't think so. Check your text.
5. a - no
6. a - yes
10.c - yes

i think # 4 is b

but im not sure

1 Is C

To determine the correct answers, let's break down each question and the given options:

3. All of the following acts were imposed on the colonies by the British EXCEPT:
- The Tea Act
- The Intolerable Acts
- The Salt Act
- The Stamp Act

To find the correct answer, we need to identify which act was NOT imposed on the colonies by the British. We can do this by eliminating the acts that were indeed imposed. In this case, the British did impose the Tea Act, the Intolerable Acts, and the Stamp Act. However, the Salt Act was NOT imposed on the colonies. Therefore, the correct answer is "C. the Salt Act."

4. South Carolina responded to the Intolerable Acts by:
- Holding small "tea parties" in Charles Town and Georgetown
- Sending representatives to the First Continental Congress
- Drafting a state constitution and setting up a new government
- Boycotting merchants who imported goods from Britain

To find the correct answer, we need to identify the action that South Carolina took in response to the Intolerable Acts. Holding small "tea parties" and boycotting merchants were forms of protest against British policies, but they were not the actions taken specifically in response to the Intolerable Acts. Sending representatives to the First Continental Congress and drafting a state constitution and setting up a new government are both actions that occurred in response to the Intolerable Acts. Therefore, the correct answer is "B. sending representatives to the First Continental Congress."

5. What happened at the historic Charles Town General Meeting of July 6, 1774?
- Colonists drafted a letter to Britain explaining their position.
- Representatives from all parts of South Carolina met for the first time.
- A shipment of tea was seized and stored beneath the Old Exchange.
- Delegates decided not to buy from or sell any more goods to Britain.

To find the correct answer, we need to identify the event that took place at the historic Charles Town General Meeting. While it is important to note that all these options were significant actions during the colonial period, the specific event that took place at the Charles Town General Meeting was the colonists drafting a letter to Britain explaining their position. Therefore, the correct answer is "A. Colonists drafted a letter to Britain explaining their position."

6. Which of the following statements about loyalists is NOT true?
- Loyalists supported the Continental Congress.
- Most loyalists in South Carolina lived in the Up Country.
- Loyalists supported the King.
- Loyalists were also known as Royalists or Tories.

To find the statement that is NOT true about loyalists, we need to identify the incorrect statement. Loyalists were colonists who remained loyal to the British Crown and did not support the American Revolution. Based on historical knowledge, it is not true that loyalists supported the Continental Congress. Therefore, the correct answer is "A. Loyalists supported the Continental Congress."

10. British troops occupied the primary residence and summer home of _______ before the patriots burned it.
- Emily Geiger's family
- Francis Marion's family
- Rebecca Motte's family
- Colonel William Bratton's family

To determine the correct answer, we need to identify the person whose primary residence and summer home was occupied by the British before the patriots burned it. From the given options, Rebecca Motte's family fits this description. Therefore, the correct answer is "C. Rebecca Motte's family."

Based on the given information, the correct answers are:
3. C - the Salt Act
4. B - sending representatives to the First Continental Congress
5. A - Colonists drafted a letter to Britain explaining their position
6. A - Loyalists supported the Continental Congress
10. C - Rebecca Motte's family


is this correct