Write mathematical equations that show how you will calculate the detected activity from the count rate due to background radiation and the sample of KCl and how you will determine the “true” activity of your sample from the detected activity. Use the following symbols: (3.5 pts)

R(background): count rate for background radiation

R(total): total count rate

R(detected): detected count rate from your sample

R(true): “true” count rate of your sample

Are these the correct equations?


R(true)= R(total)- R(background)


Yes, you have correctly written the equations to calculate the detected activity from the count rate due to background radiation and the sample of KCl, as well as to determine the "true" activity of your sample from the detected activity.

The equations are as follows:

1. R(total) = R(background) + R(detected)

The total count rate, R(total), is the sum of the count rate due to background radiation, R(background), and the count rate detected from your sample, R(detected). This equation calculates the overall count rate.

2. R(true) = R(total) - R(background)

The "true" count rate of your sample, R(true), is determined by subtracting the count rate due to background radiation, R(background), from the total count rate, R(total). This equation helps isolate the count rate solely contributed by your sample.