What is 179 divided by 8 in 4th grade term? Also I have to do it in long division so I need help with that to!! Thx bye

google "long division" for man examples of the method

the sum of first three terms of a gp is 13/12 and their product is -1 find the common ratio an the term

To divide 179 by 8 using long division, let's go step by step:

1. Write the dividend (179) on the division bar.

- 179 │

2. Determine how many times the divisor (8) can be divided into the first digit(s) of the dividend.

- In this case, 8 can be divided into 17 two times.
- Write the quotient (2) above the line, directly above the division symbol.

- 2
179 │

3. Multiply the divisor (8) by the quotient (2), and write the result below the first digit(s) of the dividend.

- 2 * 8 = 16
- Write 16 below 17 (the first digit(s) of the dividend).

- 2
179 │16

4. Subtract the result from step 3 from the first digit(s) of the dividend.

- 17 - 16 = 1
- Write the difference (1) below the line, to the right of the previous result.

- 2
179 │ 16

5. Bring down the next digit(s) of the dividend (in this case, the '9').

- Write '9' next to the difference (1).

- 2
179 │ 16

6. Determine how many times the divisor (8) can be divided into the new number formed (19).

- In this case, 8 can be divided into 19 two times.
- Write the new quotient (2) above the line, directly above the previous quotient.

- 22
179 │ 16

7. Multiply the divisor (8) by the new quotient (2), and write the result below the new number formed (19).

- 2 * 8 = 16
- Write 16 below 19 (the new number formed).

- 22
179 │ 16

8. Subtract the result from step 7 from the new number formed (19).

- 19 - 16 = 3
- Write the difference (3) below the line, to the right of the previous difference (1).

- 22
179 │ 16

9. Since we have no more digits to bring down from the dividend, we now have the final remainder (3).

- 22
179 │ 16

10. The final answer is the quotient (22), with the remainder (3) represented as a fraction.

- 179 ÷ 8 = 22 remainder 3

So, in 4th grade terms, 179 divided by 8 is equal to 22 with a remainder of 3.