Why are the water molecule bonds at an angle and not straight like the CO2?

The reason why water molecule bonds are at an angle and not straight like carbon dioxide (CO2) is due to the molecular structure and the arrangement of the atoms involved.

Water molecules (H2O) have a bent or V-shape structure. It is formed by two hydrogen atoms bonded to an oxygen atom. The oxygen atom is more electronegative than the hydrogen atoms, meaning it has a stronger pull on the shared electrons. As a result, the oxygen atom pulls the electrons closer to itself, creating a partial negative charge near the oxygen atom and partial positive charges near the hydrogen atoms.

The angle between the two hydrogen-oxygen bonds in a water molecule is approximately 104.5 degrees. This angle is less than the ideal tetrahedral angle of 109.5 degrees due to the existence of lone pairs of electrons on the oxygen atom. These lone pairs repel the bonded pairs of electrons, pushing the hydrogen atoms slightly closer together. This phenomenon is known as electron pair repulsion theory or VSEPR (Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion) theory.

On the other hand, carbon dioxide (CO2) is a linear molecule. It consists of one carbon atom double-bonded to two oxygen atoms. The double bond in carbon dioxide consists of two pairs of shared electrons, and since the oxygen atoms are attached to the same carbon atom, there are no lone pairs of electrons present that would cause repulsion. As a result, the carbon-oxygen bonds in CO2 are linear and the molecule does not have any bond angles.

In summary, the angle between the water molecule bonds is due to the repulsion between lone pairs of electrons on the oxygen atom, which forces the hydrogen atoms slightly closer together, resulting in the bent shape. In contrast, carbon dioxide lacks lone pairs, allowing its structure to be linear.