Four students dissolved 30g of salt in a 200ml solution of water.Each student heated his or her water solution to a different temperature ( Marcus had 10 and tyra had 25 Luis had 50 and Andrew had 75) which student most likely had the solution with the fastest dissolving rate the numbers included the temperature for example Marcus 10 is the temperature.

The rate of dissolution of a solute in a solvent often increases with increasing temperature. This means that the student who heated their water solution to the highest temperature most likely had the solution with the fastest dissolving rate.

Based on the temperatures provided:

- Marcus heated his solution to 10°C
- Tyra heated her solution to 25°C
- Luis heated his solution to 50°C
- Andrew heated his solution to 75°C

Among these, Andrew heated his solution to the highest temperature of 75°C. Therefore, Andrew most likely had the solution with the fastest dissolving rate.

To determine which student most likely had the solution with the fastest dissolving rate, we need to understand the concept of solubility and how it is affected by temperature.

Solubility is the measure of the maximum amount of solute (in this case, salt) that can dissolve in a given amount of solvent (in this case, water) at a specific temperature. Generally, an increase in temperature leads to an increase in solubility, meaning that more solute can dissolve in the solvent at higher temperatures.

In this case, we have four different temperatures at which the students heated their water solutions with salt: Marcus at 10°C, Tyra at 25°C, Luis at 50°C, and Andrew at 75°C. Based on the concept of higher temperatures leading to increased solubility, we can conclude that the solution with the fastest dissolving rate would be the one with the highest temperature, which is Andrew's solution at 75°C.

Therefore, Andrew most likely had the solution with the fastest dissolving rate among the four students.