Can someone tell me a personification in chapter 33 to 35 in maniac magee

Quite impossible since I doubt anyone here has read that.

Look up personification here:

Then read and re-read those chapters.

To find a personification in a specific section of a book like Maniac Magee, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by skimming or reading through chapters 33 to 35 of the book. Look for sentences or passages that describe an object or thing in a way that resembles human qualities or actions. Personification occurs when human attributes are given to non-human entities.

2. While reading, pay attention to phrases that attribute human characteristics or actions to something non-human. This could include objects, animals, or even nature.

3. As you come across potential examples of personification, remember that personification often uses verbs or adjectives that are typically associated with humans. Look for phrases that imply life, movement, or emotions, as these are indicators of personification.

4. Remember that personification may not always be explicitly stated. It can be implied through figurative language or descriptions that make inanimate objects seem alive or human-like.

After following these steps, you should be able to identify the personification within chapters 33 to 35 of Maniac Magee.