I took a handful of M&Ms. One third of them were red. What might my handful look like? How would a mathematician represent it?

This is a fraction question. Can you please help me with this. Thank you.

It would look like a handful of candies, 1/3 of which were red.

If there were n M&Ms, then n/3 would be red.

thank you

Sure! To answer this question, we can represent the number of red M&Ms in your handful as a fraction.

Let's say you took a total of x M&Ms. Since one-third of them are red, we can express it as x/3. This means that for every 3 M&Ms you took, 1 of them is red.

In terms of how the handful might look, if you visualize your handful as a group of M&Ms, you can represent the red M&Ms by dividing the group into three equal parts and coloring one of those parts red. The remaining two-thirds would be some other color.

In mathematical notation, a mathematician might use the fraction x/3 to represent the number of red M&Ms in your handful. Be sure to replace x with the total number of M&Ms you took.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.