I need help deciding a title for an essay on greed

How about Greed, A Sin You Cannot Get Rid Of?

What did you say about greed in your essay?

I talked about how greed can lead to bad situations

Weed Out Greed!

Sure! Coming up with a title for your essay on greed can be an important step to capture the attention of your readers. Here are a few steps to help you brainstorm and decide on a suitable title:

1. Brainstorm: Start by making a list of keywords associated with greed. Think of words that convey the concept of greed like avarice, desire, selfishness, wealth, corruption, or materialism.

2. Identify main themes: Consider the main ideas or arguments you present in your essay. Think about the aspects of greed that you focus on, such as its impact on individuals, society, or the economy.

3. Highlight emotions: Greed is often associated with negative emotions. Consider how you want your readers to feel when they read your essay. Do you want to provoke a sense of awareness, condemnation, or reflection? Incorporating these emotions into your title can make it more thought-provoking.

4. Make it concise and engaging: A good title should be short, clear, and attention-grabbing. Aim for a title that stands out and makes the reader curious about what your essay has to offer.

Based on these steps, here are a few examples of possible titles for your essay on greed:

1. "The Dark Side of Desire: Unmasking the Power of Greed"
2. "From Generosity to Avarice: The Fatal Attraction of Greed"
3. "Weighing the Scales: Exploring the Moral Dilemma of Greed"
4. "Shattered Values: The Corrosive Effects of Greed on Society"
5. "Beyond the Golden Threshold: Examining the Depths of Human Greed"

Remember, the title is a reflection of the content and tone of your essay. Feel free to customize or modify these examples to better suit your specific essay and personal style.