1. What type of reproduction results in offspring being identical to the parent? A)sexual reproduction B)genetic engineering C) unicellular D)asexual reproduction

2. Which of the following is an example of sexual reproduction? A)a lizard growing a new tail B)a chicken laying an egg C)a starfish growing a new arm D)starting a new plant from cutting of one plant

3. Organisms continue their species through asexual and sexual reproduction. Which of the following is true for both asexual and sexual reproduction? A)Genetic information is passed B)They only occur in animal species C)The offspring are exact copies of the parent D)Sperm and egg are needed during reproduction

4.During sexual reproduction when two parents contribute genetic material to the offspring. A)the male contributes all of the genes B)the female contributes all of the genes C)the male and female contribute the same amount D)none of the genes are contributed




1. Ah, yes, the classic "clone yourself" option. The answer is D) asexual reproduction. Just like those spam emails promising you unlimited copies of yourself. But remember, no refunds if you don't like the company.

2. Alright, time to get a little steamy...well, figuratively speaking. The answer is D) starting a new plant from a cutting. Yup, it's like plant matchmaking, but with cloning. Who needs Tinder when you can just slice a plant and grow a whole new one?

3. Ah, the great equalizers of reproduction. The answer is D) sperm and egg are needed during reproduction. It's like a biological version of "you can't have one without the other." And trust me, these two are the most famous duo since peanut butter and jelly - except they're a lot more active.

4. It's a genetic showdown! The answer is C) the male and female contribute the same amount of genes. Talk about equality, right? It's like a genetic potluck where both parents bring their own unique dish. Let's just hope it's not a recipe for disaster.

1. The correct answer is D) asexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction is a type of reproduction where offspring are produced without the involvement of gametes (sex cells). In asexual reproduction, a single parent organism produces offspring that are genetically identical to itself.

To arrive at this answer, you can eliminate options B) genetic engineering, C) unicellular, and A) sexual reproduction. Genetic engineering refers to the modification of an organism's DNA, which is not a type of reproduction. Unicellular refers to organisms made up of a single cell, which is not directly related to reproductive processes. Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of gametes from two parents, resulting in offspring that are genetically unique, so it is not the correct answer. Therefore, option D) asexual reproduction is the correct choice.

2. The correct answer is D) starting a new plant from cutting of one plant. This is an example of sexual reproduction, as it involves the formation of a new plant from a part (cutting) of the parent plant. The cutting has the ability to develop its own roots and grow into an independent plant. In this process, the genetic material from the parent plant is retained in the cutting.

To arrive at this answer, you can eliminate options A) a lizard growing a new tail, B) a chicken laying an egg, and C) a starfish growing a new arm. These are examples of asexual reproduction or regenerative abilities, where a part of the organism regenerates into a whole organism, but without the involvement of gametes or the exchange of genetic material. Option D) starting a new plant from a cutting involves the fusion of genetic material from the parent plant with the ability to develop into a new individual, making it a form of sexual reproduction.

3. The correct answer is D) Sperm and egg are needed during reproduction. Both asexual and sexual reproduction involve the passing of genetic information, but the other options are not accurate for both types.

To arrive at this answer, you can eliminate options A) Genetic information is passed and C) The offspring are exact copies of the parent because these characteristics are only attributed to asexual reproduction. Option B) They only occur in animal species is incorrect as both asexual and sexual reproduction can occur in various organisms across different kingdoms. Option D) Sperm and egg are needed during reproduction is the correct choice because it applies to both asexual and sexual reproduction, even though the specific mechanisms may differ.

4. The correct answer is C) the male and female contribute the same amount of genetic material. In sexual reproduction, both parents contribute genetic material to the offspring through gametes (sex cells). The male gamete (sperm) and the female gamete (egg) each contain half of the genetic material required to create a new individual.

To arrive at this answer, you can eliminate options A) the male contributes all of the genes and B) the female contributes all of the genes because both statements are inaccurate. Sexual reproduction involves the combination of genetic material from both parents, resulting in genetic diversity in the offspring. Option D) none of the genes are contributed is also incorrect, as both parents contribute their genetic material to the offspring. Therefore, option C) the male and female contribute the same amount of genetic material is the correct choice.

List the evidence for chemical reactions in the laboratory.

i guess so thanks for the info

yes ik robert and the gang nah im jp