Luis rides his bicycle 3:4 of a mike in 5 minutes,or 1:12 hour,along the bike trail.Assuming he rides at a constant rate,what is his speed,in miles per hour?

I assume that you mean:

"Luis rides his bicycle 3/4 of a mile in 5 minutes"

Since 5 minutes is 1/12 of an hour, like you stated

rate = distance/time
= (3/4) / (1/12) mph
= 9 mph


To determine Luis's speed in miles per hour, we will use the formula:

Speed = Distance / Time

First, let's convert the distance from miles to miles. Since Luis rides 3:4 of a mile, we need to convert this fraction to a decimal:

3/4 = 0.75 miles

Now, let's convert the time from hours to minutes. Since Luis rides for 1:12 hour, we need to convert this fraction to a decimal:

1/12 = 0.0833 hours

Next, let's convert 0.0833 hours to minutes:

0.0833 * 60 = 5 minutes

So, Luis rides a distance of 0.75 miles in 5 minutes.

Now, we can calculate his speed:

Speed = Distance / Time
Speed = 0.75 miles / 5 minutes

To convert the speed from minutes to hours, we need to divide it by 60:

Speed = 0.75 miles / 5 minutes * 60 minutes/hour
Speed = 0.75 miles / 5 * 60 miles/hour

Now, let's calculate the speed:

Speed = 0.75 * 60 / 5 miles/hour
Speed = 9 miles/hour

Therefore, Luis has a speed of 9 miles per hour.

To find Luis's speed in miles per hour, we can use the formula:

Speed = Distance / Time

First, let's convert the distance from miles to fractional miles. We are given that Luis rides 3:4 of a mile. To convert it to a fraction, we need to find the common denominator of 3 and 4, which is 12. So, 3:4 can be written as 9:12. We can now convert it to a decimal by dividing 9 by 12:

9 ÷ 12 = 0.75

Therefore, Luis rides 0.75 miles in 5 minutes or 1/12 hour.

Now, let's substitute the values into the formula:

Speed = 0.75 miles / 1/12 hour

To divide by a fraction, we multiply by its reciprocal:

Speed = 0.75 miles * 12/1 hour

Simplifying the expression:

Speed = 9 miles per hour

Therefore, Luis's speed is 9 miles per hour.