fill in the blank. Big snapping turtles don't get to weigh so much without eating a lot of food. Here's how they do it: Most snapping turtles float, or lie motionless on the bottom of a pond or river. a fish, frog, or other prey swims close enough, the turtle snaps very fast with powerful jaws.

If a fish, frog, or other prey swims close enough, the turtle snaps very fast with powerful jaws.

Explanation: Snapping turtles are known for their ability to catch prey by using their quick snapping motion with their strong jaws. They typically float or stay motionless at the bottom of a pond or river, waiting for an opportunity to strike. When a fish, frog, or any other potential prey comes within range, the snapping turtle can quickly extend its head and snap its jaws shut, capturing the prey. This allows the turtle to secure its source of food and contribute to its weight gain.