Beginning in the 1600's, the Tokugawa shoguns who ruled japan tried to maintain stability and order by?

@ms.sue is it b

To find the answer to the question, let's break it down into parts.

First, we need to understand who the Tokugawa shoguns were and the time period they ruled in. The Tokugawa shoguns came to power in Japan in 1603 and established a feudal military government, which lasted until 1868. They were part of the Tokugawa clan and held the title of shogun, the highest military rank in Japan.

Now, let's focus on the main objective of the Tokugawa shoguns: to maintain stability and order. The most prominent way they aimed to achieve this was through a policy known as "sakoku," which means "closed country." This policy placed restrictions on foreign influences, particularly by severely limiting foreign trade and contact with outsiders. The shoguns aimed to isolate Japan from potential European colonial powers and maintain their control over the country.

Additionally, the Tokugawa shoguns centralized political power by establishing a strict social hierarchy, known as the "Tokugawa shogunate bureaucracy." The shogunate implemented a system called "alternate attendance" (sankin-kotai), which required regional daimyo (feudal lords) to spend time in the capital city of Edo (present-day Tokyo) while leaving their families as hostages. This system ensured their loyalty to the shogunate and helped control regional conflicts.

Another approach was the imposition of a rigid class structure called the "Four-Tier Social Order" (shi-no-ko-sho), which categorized the people into samurai (warrior caste), peasants, artisans, and merchants. This system aimed to maintain social stability and prevent uprisings by suppressing the movement between social classes.

Furthermore, the shogunate implemented strict control over religious institutions, particularly Buddhism and Shinto. This control helped to prevent potential dissent and limit the influence of religious institutions on political affairs.

In summary, the Tokugawa shoguns maintained stability and order in Japan by enforcing the "sakoku" policy to restrict foreign influence, centralizing political power through the establishment of a strict social hierarchy, implementing the "alternate attendance" system, imposing a rigid class structure, and exerting control over religious institutions.

Are these your choices?

A. increasing trade with Europeans.
B. conquering nearby countries to creat barriers to invasion.
C. developing a new style of writing that was not related to the earlier form of Japanese writing, which had been inspired by Chinese writing.
D. closing the country off from contact witht he outside world to prevent disruption by foreigners.

What is your answer?