Four students work to find an estimate for square root 27. Who is closest to finding the true estimate? (1 point)

Chelsey: "Use square root 16 and square root 25 to estimate."

Carley: "I use square root 25 and square root 36."

Jamie: "It should be between square root 36 and square root 49."

Christine: "Use square root 49 and square root 64 to estimate."

Yes, B.

I think the answer is B. because of it being 5*6=30. And 27 is between 30.

I believe the answer is B, Charley.√25 is 5 and √36 is 6. Since √27 is 5.19615242271, it is CLOSER to √25 but the real number is more than 5 it would be between √25 and √36.

I hope that helps! Ü┘

Thank you Ms. Sue

You are welcome.

whats the rest of the answers?


i took the test and the real answer is C

Ms.SUE is the goat

its C