kay has $15 more than kim. Together they have $55. How much does each person have

x = Kim

y = Kay

x + x + 15 = 55

2x = 40

x = 20

To find out how much each person has, we can set up a system of equations based on the information given.

Let's assume Kim has x dollars. According to the problem, Kay has $15 more than Kim, so Kay would have x + $15.

We're also told that together they have $55, so we can add the amount Kim and Kay each have and set it equal to $55:
x + (x + $15) = $55

Now we can solve the equation to find the value of x, which represents how much Kim has:
2x + $15 = $55
2x = $55 - $15
2x = $40
x = $40 / 2
x = $20

Therefore, Kim has $20 and Kay has $20 + $15 = $35.