A man walk from his home to town ,6 km away at a speed of 4 km/h and return s home by tanga at speed of 12 km/h.what is the mans average speed for the whole journey.

To find the average speed for the whole journey, we need to calculate the total distance covered and the total time taken.

The man walks from his home to town, which is a distance of 6 km. He walks at a speed of 4 km/h. So the time taken for this part of the journey is:

Time = Distance / Speed = 6 km / 4 km/h = 1.5 hours

Next, the man returns home by tanga, which is a distance of 6 km as well. He travels at a speed of 12 km/h. So the time taken for this part of the journey is:

Time = Distance / Speed = 6 km / 12 km/h = 0.5 hours

Now, to find the total time taken for the whole journey, we add the time taken for both parts:

Total time = Time taken for walking + Time taken for tanga ride = 1.5 hours + 0.5 hours = 2 hours

The total distance covered for the whole journey is twice the distance from home to town, as the man has to travel the same distance back. So the total distance covered is:

Total distance = 2 * Distance from home to town = 2 * 6 km = 12 km

Finally, we can calculate the average speed for the whole journey using the formula:

Average speed = Total distance / Total time = 12 km / 2 hours = 6 km/h

Therefore, the man's average speed for the whole journey is 6 km/h.

total distance: 12 km

total time: 6/4 + 6/12 = 2 hr

so, ...