Which statement is false?

A. Parentheticals aren’t crucial to the meaning of a sentence.
B. Parentheticals are like asides.
C. Parentheticals are crucial to the meaning of a sentence.
D. Parentheticals are like comments.

Is it C.?

C is correct, yes.

Yes, the false statement is C. Parentheticals are not crucial to the meaning of a sentence.

To determine which statement is false, let's analyze each statement:

A. "Parentheticals aren't crucial to the meaning of a sentence."
This statement suggests that parentheticals are not necessary for understanding the main message of a sentence. This statement is not universally true, as parentheticals can often provide additional information or clarify the main sentence. Therefore, this statement could be false.

B. "Parentheticals are like asides."
This statement compares parentheticals to asides, which are additional remarks or comments made by the speaker. This statement is commonly accepted as true since both parentheticals and asides serve a similar purpose in providing extra information or expressing the speaker's thoughts. Therefore, this statement is likely true.

C. "Parentheticals are crucial to the meaning of a sentence."
This statement suggests that parentheticals are essential for understanding the main message of a sentence. This statement contradicts statement A, and since we have already considered that A could be false, C could possibly be true.

D. "Parentheticals are like comments."
This statement compares parentheticals to comments. Both parentheticals and comments are additional or explanatory information provided alongside the main message. Therefore, this statement is widely accepted as true.

Based on this analysis, it is reasonable to conclude that statement C is the false one, as it contradicts statement A.