The cost of fencing a square field at 40paise per meter is rs.2000.Find the cost of watering the field at 80 paise per 100square

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To find the cost of watering the field, we need to determine the area of the square field first.

Let's assume the length of one side of the square field is "s" meters. Since it is a square, all sides are equal.

The formula to calculate the perimeter of a square is P = 4s, and the formula to calculate the area of a square is A = s^2.

In this case, we are given the cost of fencing the field, which is Rs. 2000. We are also given the cost per meter of fencing, which is 40 paise (0.40 Rs).

To determine the area of the field, we can start by calculating the perimeter using the given cost of fencing:

2000 Rs = 0.40 Rs/meter × perimeter
perimeter = 2000 Rs / 0.40 Rs/meter
perimeter = 5000 meters

Since all sides of a square are equal, each side of the square field is 5000 meters / 4 = 1250 meters.

Now let's calculate the area of the square field using the side length:

Area = (side length)^2
Area = (1250 meters)^2
Area = 1562500 square meters

Finally, let's calculate the cost of watering the field. The given cost is 80 paise (0.80 Rs) per 100 square meters.

Cost of watering = (Area / 100) × cost per 100 square meters
Cost of watering = (1562500 square meters / 100) × 0.80 Rs
Cost of watering = 15625 × 0.80 Rs
Cost of watering = 12500 Rs

Therefore, the cost of watering the field is Rs. 12500.