I want to thank a veteran and know what to do but I don't know exactly what to say.

Start by listing your thoughts: what was done by her to make you thankful, and how it has made your life better.

My parents say to make the letter more personable?

More personal than your thoughts and ideas? How?

That's what I said

That's great that you want to thank a veteran for their service! Here are some steps you can follow to express your gratitude:

1. Approach them respectfully: Find a veteran that you would like to thank and approach them in a polite and considerate manner. Ensure that you have their attention before proceeding.

2. Be genuine and sincere: Express your gratitude genuinely and sincerely. Speak from the heart and let them know that you appreciate their dedication and sacrifice.

3. Use specific examples: If possible, mention specific aspects of their service or contribution that you find particularly admirable or inspiring. It could be their bravery, commitment, or any specific experiences they have shared.

4. Be respectful and considerate: Remember to show respect and consideration for their experiences and emotions. Some veterans may feel uncomfortable discussing certain topics, so be sensitive to their comfort level.

5. Listen attentively: If the veteran chooses to open up and share their experiences, listen attentively. It shows that you value their perspective and allows them to be heard.

6. Offer practical assistance: Apart from saying thank you verbally, you can also offer practical assistance if you are in a position to do so. For example, you could offer to help with household tasks, run errands, or support them in accessing resources available to veterans.

Remember, the most important thing is to convey gratitude and appreciation genuinely. Your sincere thanks will be well-received, and it will mean a lot to the veteran you are thanking.