A store buys shirts for $12 each and marks up the price by 25%. What is the price for a shirt at this store?

1.25 * 12 = 15

To find the price for a shirt at this store, we need to calculate the markup amount and add it to the original cost.

1. First, find the markup amount. The store marks up the price by 25%, which means they add 25% of the original cost to the original cost.

Markup amount = 25% of $12

To calculate this, multiply the original cost ($12) by the markup percentage (25%) in decimal form:

Markup amount = $12 * 0.25 = $3

2. Next, add the markup amount to the original cost:

Price for a shirt = Original cost + Markup amount

Price for a shirt = $12 + $3 = $15

So, the price for a shirt at this store is $15.