if 1000 sat verbal scores are randomly selected about how many would you expect to be greater than 525

depends entirely on the distribution.

To estimate the number of SAT verbal scores that would be greater than 525, you need to know the total number of SAT verbal scores and the percentage of scores that are greater than 525. However, since you only provided the number of scores, we can't calculate the exact number.

If you have access to the data set of SAT verbal scores and it contains the scores of all test takers, you can find the percentage of scores greater than 525 by dividing the number of scores greater than 525 by the total number of scores. Let's say you have this data and you determine that 25% of the scores are greater than 525.

To find the estimated number of scores greater than 525, you can multiply the total number of scores (1000) by the percentage of scores greater than 525 (0.25 or 25%).

Expected number of scores greater than 525 = Total number of scores * Percentage of scores greater than 525
= 1000 * 0.25
= 250

Therefore, based on this estimation, you would expect approximately 250 SAT verbal scores to be greater than 525. Remember, this is an approximation, and the actual number might vary when dealing with real-world data.