Which of the following is one of the notable achievements of early China ?

How did the Zhou dynasty come to rule a large part of China ?

In what way did China isolated geography contribute to it's development as a country

In both the shang & Zhou societies , how were different regions governed



1. complex system of writing

2. through military defeat of the previous rulers
3.Isolation kept the Chinese people from creating trade routes for the exchange of goods and ideas.
4.Each peasant had control of one piece of land.

hope this helps

(cutie💜) is correct thank you

1st one is a complex system of writing im not sure of the other ones

1. Which of the following is one of the notable achievements of early China? (1 point)

To answer the question about the notable achievements of early China, you can start by researching the major dynasties and their accomplishments. Some possible achievements include the construction of the Great Wall of China during the Qin Dynasty, the invention of gunpowder and paper during the Tang Dynasty, and the development of Confucianism and Taoism during various dynasties.

To understand how the Zhou dynasty came to rule a large part of China, you can study the historical context and events surrounding the rise of the Zhou dynasty. This may involve learning about the overthrow of the Shang dynasty and the Zhou's military and political strategies that enabled their expansion of influence.

When considering how China's isolated geography contributed to its development as a country, you can analyze how the geography of mountains, deserts, and seas affected China's interactions with neighboring regions. This may involve examining how the geographical barriers hindered invasion attempts, how it preserved cultural traditions and practices, or how it influenced the development of China's unique civilization and economic systems.

To explore how different regions were governed in the Shang and Zhou societies, you can examine the political structures and administrative systems of those times. This may involve researching the role of the king, who exerted central authority, as well as the feudal system that allowed regional lords or nobles to govern their territories with varying degrees of autonomy.

In summary, by conducting research on the historical context, key events, and governance structures of early China, you can find the answers to these questions and gain a deeper understanding of China's notable achievements, political systems, and geographical influences.

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