A ham sandwich consists of one slice of ham (9 grams) and two slices of bread (25 grams each). You have 1 kg of ham and 1.2 kg of bread. You make as many sandwiches as you can. How many sandwiches did you make?

1) How many sandwiches did you makd?

2) What is the mass of the sandwiches? g

3) What is left over?
ham or bread

4)What is the mass of the ingredient that is left over? g

Ham = 1000/9 = 111 Sandwiches.

Bread = 1200/50 = 24 " """

1. 24 Sandwiches.

2. 24*(9+50) = 1416 Grams.

3. Ham.

4. M =(111-24)sand. * 9g/sand. = 783 g.

To find the number of sandwiches you can make, you need to figure out how many slices of ham and bread you have, and then divide by the number of slices required for each sandwich.

1) Calculation:
- Since you have 1 kg of ham and each slice weighs 9 grams, you have 1000 grams / 9 grams = 111.11 slices of ham.
- Since you have 1.2 kg of bread and each slice weighs 25 grams, you have 1200 grams / 25 grams = 48 slices of bread.
- The limiting factor in making sandwiches is the number of slices of ham, which is 48 (since you cannot have a fraction of a slice).
- Since each sandwich requires 1 slice of ham, you can make 48 sandwiches.

2) Calculation:
- Each sandwich consists of 1 slice of ham (9 grams) and 2 slices of bread (25 grams each).
- The mass of each sandwich is therefore 9 grams (ham) + 2 * 25 grams (bread) = 59 grams.

3) Leftover ingredient:
- Since you used up all the ham, the leftover ingredient is bread.

4) Calculation:
- To find the mass of the leftover bread, you need to subtract the mass used in the sandwiches from the total mass of bread:
- 1.2 kg = 1200 grams
- Mass of bread used in sandwiches = 48 sandwiches * 2 slices of bread * 25 grams per slice = 2400 grams
- Mass of leftover bread = 1200 grams (initial amount) - 2400 grams (used in sandwiches) = -1200 grams (negative value indicates that there is no leftover bread due to using more than available)

To summarize:
1) You made 48 sandwiches.
2) The mass of each sandwich is 59 grams.
3) The leftover ingredient is ham (none) and there is no leftover bread.
4) The mass of the leftover ingredient is 0 grams for both ham and bread.