One bag of m&m's weighs 3 1/2 pounds. If found friends want to share the bag of candy equally, how much would each friend get?

How many friends are sharing the bag?

3 1/2 pounds 4 friends how much would each friend get?

56 ounces

56/4 = 14 ounces (7/8 pound) each

To determine how much candy each friend would get, we need to divide the total weight of the bag of M&M's by the number of friends.

The weight of the bag is given as 3 1/2 pounds. We can convert this mixed fraction into an improper fraction for easier calculations.

3 1/2 = 7/2

Now, let's assume there are "n" friends who will share the candy.

To find out how much each friend would get, we need to divide the weight of the bag by the number of friends:

7/2 pounds รท n friends

However, since the question does not specify the number of friends, we cannot provide an exact answer. Please provide the number of friends, and I can provide a more accurate answer.