Ms.Nikkel wants to divide her class of 23 students into 4 equal teams.Is this reasonable?Why or why not

Is 23 divisible by 4?

I don't

To determine if it is reasonable to divide a class of 23 students into 4 equal teams, we need to check if 23 can be divided evenly by 4.

To do this, we can divide 23 by 4 using long division or a calculator.

Performing the division, we find that 23 divided by 4 equals 5 with a remainder of 3.

Since there is a remainder of 3, it means that 23 cannot be divided evenly into 4 equal teams. This means that it is not possible to divide the class of 23 students into 4 equal teams, based on the given number of students.

Ms. Nikkel would need to adjust the number of teams or the number of students to create an equal division.