Explained three what's why a newly couple would delay their first child

three excuses? reasons? deterrents?

newly engaged? married? introduced?


A newly couple may choose to delay having their first child for various reasons. Here are three possible explanations:

1. Financial Stability: Starting a family requires financial resources to support the child's needs. A couple may delay having a child to focus on building a solid financial foundation, such as paying off debts, saving for a house, or establishing a stable income. By doing so, they aim to provide a more secure future for their child.

2. Career Advancement: Both partners may prioritize their professional growth and career advancement before having a child. They might want to establish stability in their respective careers, gain experience, or pursue higher education. Delaying starting a family allows them to focus on achieving their career goals before transitioning into parenthood.

3. Relationship and Personal Development: Couples may choose to delay having a child in order to strengthen their relationship and work on personal development. Creating a family brings significant changes and responsibilities, which can impact the couple's dynamic. Taking time to strengthen their bond, travel, and pursue personal interests allows them to better prepare for the demands of parenting. They view this period as an opportunity for personal growth and building a solid foundation for their future family.

Remember, individual circumstances and priorities may differ, and couples may have their unique reasons for delaying having their first child.