Approximately how many joined Nathaniel Bacon in attacking and killing Native Americans?

shut up anthony


To estimate the number of people who joined Nathaniel Bacon in attacking and killing Native Americans, we can refer to historical sources. In this case, we can look into the events known as Bacon's Rebellion that occurred in 1676 in colonial Virginia.

To find an approximate number, we can consult documented information and accounts of the time. For instance, during Bacon's Rebellion, Nathaniel Bacon managed to gather a group of discontented colonists who were primarily engaged in opposing the colonial government's policies. They sought to address grievances related to Native American attacks on the frontier.

According to historical records, Bacon's forces consisted of several hundred individuals. The exact number of people who specifically joined him in attacking and killing Native Americans is not well-documented. However, his group likely consisted of several dozen to a few hundred participants, composed of both settlers and enslaved African Americans.

It's important to note that Bacon's Rebellion had multiple motivations, and not all those who joined the rebellion necessarily participated in attacks against Native Americans. The rebellion had broader political and social implications beyond its initial Native American focus.

Estimating the exact number of individuals involved in the attacks is challenging due to the lack of precise records or reliable sources from that time. Therefore, the available information suggests that Nathaniel Bacon's force comprised a significant but relatively small group of individuals.


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