Compare and contrast the roles of genetic factors and local conditions in determining physical traits

Contrast dominant, recessive, codominant, and incomplete dominant traits and give examples of each

Summarize the process of sexual reproduction and explain how variations of inherited traits can increase or decrease an organism’s chance of survival

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To compare and contrast the roles of genetic factors and local conditions in determining physical traits, you need to understand the basics of genetics and how the environment affects these traits.

Genetic factors refer to the genes inherited from parents. These genes contain instructions that determine an organism's physical traits. They are responsible for traits such as eye color, height, and hair texture. Genetic factors are relatively stable across generations and can be passed on to offspring.

On the other hand, local conditions, also known as environmental factors, can influence physical traits as well. These factors include nutrition, climate, and exposure to chemicals or toxins. For example, if two individuals have the same genetic potential for height, but one experiences malnutrition during childhood, the individual with better nutrition is likely to reach their full height potential.

In summary, genetic factors provide the blueprint for physical traits, while local conditions can modify or affect the development and expression of those traits.


Dominant, recessive, codominant, and incomplete dominant are terms used to describe genetic traits and how they are expressed in an organism.

1. Dominant traits: These are traits that are expressed when only one copy of the dominant gene is present. If an individual inherits a dominant allele for a trait from either parent, that trait will be observable. For example, brown eyes are dominant over blue eyes. If an individual has at least one allele for brown eyes, their eye color will be brown.

2. Recessive traits: These are traits that are only expressed when an individual has two copies of the recessive gene. If an individual inherits two recessive alleles for a trait, that trait will be observed. An example of a recessive trait is blue eyes. Both parents must pass on the allele for blue eyes for the trait to be expressed in their child.

3. Codominant traits: In codominance, both alleles for a trait are expressed simultaneously without either one being dominant or recessive. A well-known example is the blood type AB. If an individual inherits alleles for blood type A and B, they will have a blood type that expresses both A and B antigens.

4. Incomplete dominant traits: In incomplete dominance, neither allele is completely dominant over the other. Instead, a blending of the traits is observed. For instance, in snapdragons, the red and white flower color alleles blend to produce a pink flower when both alleles are present.

Remember, these examples are simplified explanations, and genetics is often more complex with multiple genes interacting to determine a trait.


Sexual reproduction is the process by which organisms produce offspring by the fusion of gametes (reproductive cells) from two parents. The main steps of sexual reproduction are as follows:

1. Gamete production: Organisms that reproduce sexually produce specialized cells called gametes. In humans, males produce sperm cells, and females produce egg cells. These gametes contain half the number of chromosomes (haploid) compared to the parent's cells.

2. Fertilization: During sexual intercourse or a similar process, the sperm cell fertilizes the egg cell, combining their genetic material. This results in a zygote, which has a full set of chromosomes (diploid).

3. Genetic variation: Through the process of meiosis, gametes are created with unique combinations of genes. When fertilization occurs, the genetic material from two different individuals merges, leading to genetic variation in the offspring. This variation is essential for adaptation and survival in changing environments.

Variation of inherited traits can increase an organism's chance of survival because it allows for better adaptation to diverse environments. For example, in a population of birds with different beak sizes variation, some individuals may have beaks better suited for cracking tough seeds, while others may have beaks suited for catching insects. The different beak sizes provide advantages in different food sources, increasing their chances of survival.

On the other hand, variations can also decrease an organism's chance of survival if unfavorable traits are inherited. For instance, if a population of insects inherits susceptibility to a particular disease, it may lead to a high rate of mortality within the population.

In conclusion, variations in inherited traits generated thual reproduction contribute to a population's ability to adapt to its changing environment. The presence of beneficial variations increases an organism's survival chances, while unfavorable variations can decrease them.