the number has 5 digits

the value of the largest digit is 90,000

the value of the thousands place is the same value in every place

the sum of the hundreds place and the tens place is 7

the value of the smallest value is 4


To find the missing digit in the given number, let's break down the information provided:

1. The number has 5 digits: This tells us the number has a digit in the ten-thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones place.

2. The value of the largest digit is 90,000: This means the digit in the ten-thousands place is 9.

3. The value of the thousands place is the same value in every place: This indicates that the digit in the thousands place is also 9.

4. The sum of the hundreds place and the tens place is 7: This tells us that the digits in the hundreds and tens places add up to 7. If we subtract 9 from 7, we get -2, which means the digits in these places must be -2 and 9.

5. The value of the smallest value is 4: This tells us that the digit in the ones place is 4.

Using this information, we can determine the missing digit. Let's put the digits we have so far:

9 9 -2 9 4

To calculate the remaining digit, we need to consider the fact that the sum of all the digits must be equal to the given number, which is 97,774.

Adding the known digits together: 9 + 9 + (-2) + 9 + 4 = 29

To find the missing digit, we subtract this sum from the given number: 97,774 - 29 = 97,745

Therefore, the missing digit is 5. So, the complete number is 97,754.