Deindividuation is related to mobs in the same way that _______ is related to groups.

A. social prejudice
B. persuasion
C. attitude
D. diffusion of responsibility

Deindividuation is related to mobs in the same way that D. diffusion of responsibility is related to groups.

To understand why, let's first define deindividuation. Deindividuation refers to a psychological state in which individuals lose their sense of personal identity and responsibility when they become part of a crowd or group. In this state, people often feel a sense of anonymity and reduced self-awareness, which can lead to a decrease in inhibitions and an increase in impulsive or aggressive behavior.

Similarly, diffusion of responsibility is a phenomenon that occurs in groups where individuals feel less personally accountable for their actions because they believe their responsibility is shared among the group. This diffusion of responsibility can lead to a decreased sense of individual responsibility and a diffusion of moral accountability. People may feel less inclined to take personal action or intervene in problematic situations because they believe someone else in the group will do so.

In both deindividuation and diffusion of responsibility, individuals in a crowd or group may experience a reduced sense of personal accountability and a diminished awareness of the consequences of their actions. This can potentially lead to a decrease in social inhibitions and an increase in behaviors that they might not engage in as individuals.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. diffusion of responsibility.


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