Create an image representing historical scenes from the era of President Andrew Jackson. Illustrate a group of Native Americans, some packing or in the process of moving westward, others engaged in discussions, which symbolize the struggle for equal rights and legal protection. Also, show a few getting large sections of land, indicative of the land grants. It is a dramatic tableau encompassing a wide range of actions and emotions.

What happened to some native americans during the jackson presidency?

They were to leave their homeland and move westward.
They allied themselves with slaves to seel equal protection under the law.
They were given large land grants on their native soil.
They filed a large number of lawsuits to protect their rights.

Answers for Quick Check:

Connections Academy Unit 5 Lesson 3 SS
1: A
2. B
3. D

You can thank me later. ;3


For connexus lesson 3 unit 5 the answers are

1. A
2. B
3. D

Your welcome :)

Wrong is Wrong Luxary is correct

It's not cheating it's exploring our resources 100 a b d

1) A

2) B
3) D

Enjoy fellow cheaters~

Luxray is correct



Lol like I love getting the right answers but I'd really like an explanation on why they were forced to move.

Literally, Just look it up and put it with the answers

1. The Answer is A
The Indian Removal Act was signed by President Andrew Jackson on May 28, 1830. The law authorized the president to negotiate with southern Native American tribes for their removal to federal territory west of the Mississippi River in exchange for their lands.

2. The answer is B
now let him enforce it.” Those are the famous words uttered by President Andrew Jackson in relation to U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall's 1832 decision in Worcester v. Georgia to strike down a Georgia law that imposed regulations on the comings and goings of white people in Native American land.

3. The answer is D
The Chief of the Seminole tribe in Florida refused to leave Florida and went to war against US with run-away African American Slaves


is right

They were to leave their homeland and move westward.