a person spent $20 000 to the nearest thousand naira

and now there's no money left. What a shame.

To convert $20,000 to the nearest thousand naira, you need to know the current exchange rate between the two currencies. Exchange rates fluctuate constantly, so it's important to check the latest rate.

Once you have the exchange rate, you can multiply it by $20,000 to find the equivalent amount in naira.

For example, let's say the current exchange rate is 1 USD = 400 NGN (Nigerian Naira).

To get the nearest thousand, you can round the result to the nearest whole number divisible by 1,000. This means rounding it up if it's halfway or more to the next thousand, and rounding down if it's less than halfway.

So, with an exchange rate of 1 USD = 400 NGN:
20,000 USD * 400 NGN/USD = 8,000,000 NGN

Now, rounding 8,000,000 NGN to the nearest thousand, we get:
8,000,000 NGN ≈ 8,000,000 rounded to the nearest thousand = 8,000,000 NGN

Therefore, the person spent approximately 8,000,000 naira to the nearest thousand. Remember, this is just an example based on a hypothetical exchange rate, and the actual result may vary depending on the current exchange rate.