1. The color of a room can influence a person's mood.

2. A cheery yellow makes a person feel cheerful.

3. Both green and blue can be restful and make a person feel relaxed.

4. A large dose of bold red can make someone angry.

5. Be careful when you choose the color for this room!

These sentences form a paragraph. State which ones is topic, supporting and clincher.

1. topic
2. supporting
3. supporting
4. supporting
5. clincher

We'll be glad to check your answers.

In this paragraph, the topic sentence is "The color of a room can influence a person's mood." The topic sentence introduces the main idea of the paragraph, which is the influence of color on mood.

The supporting sentences are:
- "A cheery yellow makes a person feel cheerful."
- "Both green and blue can be restful and make a person feel relaxed."
- "A large dose of bold red can make someone angry."

These supporting sentences provide specific examples and evidence to support the main idea presented in the topic sentence.

The last sentence, "Be careful when you choose the color for this room!" is the clincher sentence. It serves as a concluding statement or warning, summarizing the information presented in the paragraph and emphasizing the importance of being mindful when selecting room colors.

Get a white wall then, you weak minded people!