A typist types 70 pages in 3 hours 30 minutes how long will she take to type 300 pages

To find out how long it will take for the typist to type 300 pages, we can first calculate the typing speed in pages per hour.

The typist types 70 pages in 3 hours and 30 minutes, which is equivalent to 3.5 hours. We can calculate the typing speed per hour by dividing the number of pages typed by the number of hours:

Typing speed = Number of pages / Number of hours

Typing speed = 70 pages / 3.5 hours

Typing speed = 20 pages per hour

Now that we know the typing speed is 20 pages per hour, we can use this information to determine how long it will take to type 300 pages.

Let's set up a proportion:

Typing speed = Number of pages / Number of hours

20 pages per hour = 300 pages / X hours

To solve for X (the time it will take to type 300 pages), we can cross-multiply and solve for X:

20X = 300

X = 300 / 20

X = 15

Thus, it will take the typist approximately 15 hours to type 300 pages.

15 hours

A typist type 70pages in=3hrs and 30minutes.3hrs to 30min=180/30=6 she types 1page in=70/6*300=50.70*50=350. She takes 350hrs to type 300pages.

My question is- A typist types 70pages in 3hrs and 30min. How long will she take to type 300 pages? Help me with full solutions

70/3.5 = 300/x

Cross multiply and solve for x.