Mona has scored 94 points in the last six basketball games. If she earns two points per basket, how many baskets at all must she shoot in the next six games for her average points per game to be 16?

If she shoots x baskets, she scores 2x points, so she needs

94 + 2x = 16*12

and that's "in all" not "at all"

To find out how many baskets Mona needs to shoot in the next six games, we first need to determine the average number of points she has been scoring per game in the last six games.

To do this, we divide the total number of points Mona has scored in the last six games (94) by the number of games (6):

94 points / 6 games = 15.67 points per game (approximately)

Since we want Mona's average points per game to be 16, we need to determine how many total points she needs in the next six games. To find this, we multiply the desired average (16) by the number of games (6):

16 points per game * 6 games = 96 points

Now, we know that each basket earns Mona 2 points. To find out how many baskets she needs to shoot in total, we divide the total number of points needed (96) by the points earned per basket (2):

96 points / 2 points per basket = 48 baskets

Therefore, Mona must shoot a total of 48 baskets in the next six games to maintain an average of 16 points per game.