You wish to make 3 reactions (1 ml each) with the specified amounts of protein. The remainder of each reaction consists entirely of buffer. The source of your protein is a stock solution that has a concentration of 0.5 mg/ml. What is the volume of stock solution required for each reaction (column 3). What is the volume of buffer required for each reaction (column 3). What is the colume of buffer required (column 4)? Show your work.

Be sure to pay attention to units.

Reaction Number Amount of protein (ug) Volume of Protein solution (ul) required Volume of buffer required Final Volume (ml)
1 2 1
2 5 1
3 10

Your question is not clear to me.

To calculate the volume of stock solution and buffer required for each reaction, we need to use the given concentration of the stock solution (0.5 mg/ml) and the amount of protein required for each reaction.

Let's start by converting the amount of protein from micrograms (ug) to milligrams (mg) as the concentration of the stock solution is in milligrams per milliliter (mg/ml).

Reaction 1:
Amount of protein = 2 ug = 0.002 mg
Volume of protein solution required = 1 ml
Volume of buffer required = Final volume - Volume of protein solution required = 1 ml - 1 ml = 0 ml (no buffer required)

Reaction 2:
Amount of protein = 5 ug = 0.005 mg
Volume of protein solution required = 1 ml
Volume of buffer required = Final volume - Volume of protein solution required = 1 ml - 1 ml = 0 ml (no buffer required)

Reaction 3:
Amount of protein = 10 ug = 0.01 mg
Volume of protein solution required = 1 ml
Volume of buffer required = Final volume - Volume of protein solution required = 1 ml - 1 ml = 0 ml (no buffer required)

Therefore, for all three reactions, no buffer is required, and the volume of stock solution required is 1 ml.

To calculate the volume of stock solution required for each reaction, we need to use the equation:

Volume of stock solution (ml) = (Amount of protein (ug) / Concentration of stock solution (mg/ml)) * 1 ml

Let's calculate the volumes for each reaction:

Reaction 1:
Volume of stock solution = (2 ug / 0.5 mg/ml) * 1 ml = (2 ug / 0.5) * 1 ml = 4 ml

Reaction 2:
Volume of stock solution = (5 ug / 0.5 mg/ml) * 1 ml = (5 ug / 0.5) * 1 ml = 10 ml

Reaction 3:
Volume of stock solution = (10 ug / 0.5 mg/ml) * 1 ml = (10 ug / 0.5) * 1 ml = 20 ml

To calculate the volume of buffer required for each reaction, we subtract the volume of stock solution from the final volume (1 ml):

Reaction 1:
Volume of buffer = Final volume - Volume of stock solution = 1 ml - 4 ml = -3 ml

Reaction 2:
Volume of buffer = Final volume - Volume of stock solution = 1 ml - 10 ml = -9 ml

Reaction 3:
Volume of buffer = Final volume - Volume of stock solution = 1 ml - 20 ml = -19 ml

The negative values indicate that there isn't enough space in the final volume to accommodate the volume of buffer required. It seems like there is an error in the calculations or the given values. Please double-check the information provided.