Find the adverb. (is batch the adverb)

I baked a batch of brownies for my friends.

No, batch is a noun.

This sentence has no adverb, although it does have an adverb phrase.

The adverb in the sentence is "for".

To identify the adverb in the sentence "I baked a batch of brownies for my friends," you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the verb: In this sentence, the verb is "baked."

2. Determine what the verb is modifying: The verb "baked" is modifying the noun "batch." It answers the question "What did I bake?"

3. Check if the word modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb: Since the word "batch" is a noun, it cannot be an adverb.

Therefore, in this sentence, there is no adverb. The word "batch" is a noun, not an adverb.