The sum of three consecutive natural number is 153.find the numbers


numbers are 50, 51, 52


1+2 = 3
153 - 3 =150
150 divided by 3= 50
A: 50, 51, 52

To find the three consecutive natural numbers, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Assume the first number as x.
Step 2: The next two consecutive numbers can be expressed as (x + 1) and (x + 2).
Step 3: Sum up the three numbers: x + (x + 1) + (x + 2) = 3x + 3.
Step 4: Set up an equation based on the given sum: 3x + 3 = 153.
Step 5: Solve the equation for x: 3x = 153 - 3 => 3x = 150 => x = 50.

Now, we have found the value of the first number (x = 50). To find the next two consecutive numbers, we can substitute x into our expressions:

First number: x = 50
Second number: x + 1 = 50 + 1 = 51
Third number: x + 2 = 50 + 2 = 52

Therefore, the three consecutive natural numbers whose sum is 153 are 50, 51, and 52.