ruben is thinking of a mystery number. if he multiplies the number by 6 and then divides it by 9, the result is 708. what is the mystery number

6n/9 = 708

6n = 6,372

n = 1,062

To find the mystery number, we can use the following steps:

Step 1: Let's assume the mystery number as "x".

Step 2: Ruben multiplied the number by 6, so the result is 6x.

Step 3: Ruben divided the result (6x) by 9, so the equation becomes (6x / 9) = 708.

Step 4: To solve the equation for x, we can multiply both sides by 9 to get rid of the division. Multiplying (6x / 9) by 9 gives us 6x = 6372.

Step 5: Now, we can solve for x by dividing both sides by 6. Dividing 6372 by 6 gives us x = 1062.

Therefore, the mystery number is 1062.

To find the mystery number, we need to work backward from the given result.

First, Ruben multiplies the mystery number by 6. So the equation becomes:

6 * mystery number = 708

Next, Ruben divides the result by 9. To undo the division, we need to multiply by 9. So now the equation becomes:

6 * mystery number * 9 = 708 * 9

Simplifying the right side of the equation:

54 * mystery number = 6372

Now, to solve for the mystery number, we need to isolate it by dividing both sides of the equation by 54. So the equation becomes:

(mystery number) = 6372 / 54

Calculating the right side of the equation:

(mystery number) = 118

Therefore, the mystery number that Ruben is thinking of is 118.

You would have to set up an expression of (6n/9) = 708. Multiplying the 9 out and then dividing by 6 would give you the number 1062.