I need help finding a Canadian Case that shows the benefits of Extrajudicial Measure!



But there is no canadian case there that i can use as an example.

How about these links?


To find a Canadian case that illustrates the benefits of extrajudicial measures, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for legal databases or resources that provide access to Canadian cases. Some notable sources include CanLII (www.canlii.org) and Westlaw (www.westlaw.ca). These platforms have extensive collections of Canadian case law.

2. Once you have accessed the database of your choice, use the search function to look for keywords or concepts related to extrajudicial measures. This might include terms like "extrajudicial measures," "diversion programs," "alternative measures," or specific types of extrajudicial interventions like "restorative justice."

3. Review the search results and read through the case summaries or full text of selected cases. Pay close attention to the facts, the legal issues being addressed, and the outcomes of each case.

4. Look for cases where the benefits of extrajudicial measures are discussed or highlighted. Factors that might demonstrate the benefits could include successful rehabilitation, reduced recidivism rates, cost-effectiveness, community involvement, or improved outcomes compared to traditional court processes.

5. As you review the cases, identify one that best exemplifies the positive impact of extrajudicial measures. Ensure that the case aligns with your specific requirements and criteria. For instance, you may want a case where extrajudicial measures helped a young offender, or where a restorative justice program yielded positive results.

6. Make note of the case details, including the citation (e.g., R v. Smith [year] [court]), as you may need this information for further reference or citation in your own work.

Remember that legal research can require time and thoroughness, so be patient and allow sufficient time to find the most suitable case that demonstrates the benefits of extrajudicial measures in Canada.