How many times does a palindromic number appear on a 12 hour digital clock between 12 midnight and 12 noon?

well at 12 theres one way to get a palindrome and that's 12:21

after that every hour from 1-9 has 6
those are-1:01,1:11, 1:21, 1:31, 1:41, 1:51
the number 1 can be replaced by any number between 1 and 9

then for 10 there is 10:01
for 11 there is 11:11

so we add that all together-
1+(6*9)+2= your answer


anyone have this questrion from som?? :p


57 duhhhhhhh


Yes form som

To find out how many times a palindromic number appears on a 12-hour digital clock between 12 midnight and 12 noon, we need to identify the palindromic numbers that can be represented on the clock.

A palindromic number is a number that remains the same when its digits are reversed. In the case of a 12-hour digital clock, the digits range from 0 to 9.

We can break down the time on the 12-hour digital clock as follows:

- The hours can range from 1 to 12.
- The minutes can range from 0 to 59.
- The seconds can range from 0 to 59.

Now, let's consider the possible scenarios for palindromic numbers on the clock:

1. Palindromic hours:
- The first digit of the hour can range from 1 to 9.
- The second digit of the hour should be the same as the first digit.
- This gives us a total of 9 possible palindromic hour options, from 1:01 to 9:09.

2. Palindromic minutes:
- The first digit of the minutes can range from 0 to 5.
- The second digit of the minutes should be the same as the first digit.
- This gives us a total of 6 possible palindromic minute options, from 10:01 to 50:05.

3. Palindromic seconds:
- The first digit of the seconds can range from 0 to 5.
- The second digit of the seconds should be the same as the first digit.
- This gives us a total of 6 possible palindromic second options, from 10:10:01 to 50:50:05.

To determine the overall count, we need to multiply the possibilities for each scenario:
9 (palindromic hours) * 6 (palindromic minutes) * 6 (palindromic seconds) = 324.

Therefore, there are 324 times that a palindromic number appears on a 12-hour digital clock between 12 midnight and 12 noon.

According to my calculations, a possibility of 16 possible integers are available as of 2020. According to the the website, add two to any answer incorporating the synkex and subtract three if it incorporates the second portal. Therefor, my answer will be an astonishing 12.62

Foot the fat yeet dab