Solid AgNo3 is added slowly to solution of 0.001M Cl,Br,and I

at what concentration of Ag will AgI precipitating?
at what concentration of Ag will AgCl precipitating?
at what concentration of Ag will AgBr precipitating?
calculate the percent % of I ppt before reaching of AgBr?
calculate the percent % of Br ppt before reaching of AgCl?

To determine at what concentration of Ag precipitating compounds will form, you need to consider the solubility product constant (Ksp) of each compound.

1. AgI: The balanced equation for the reaction is: AgNO3 + KI -> AgI + KNO3
The Ksp expression for AgI is: [Ag+][I-] = Ksp
Since the concentration of I- is already given (0.001 M), you can calculate the concentration of Ag+ at which AgI will precipitate by rearranging the equation: [Ag+] = Ksp / [I-]

2. AgCl: The balanced equation for the reaction is: AgNO3 + KCl -> AgCl + KNO3
The Ksp expression for AgCl is: [Ag+][Cl-] = Ksp
Since the concentration of Cl- is already given (0.001 M), you can calculate the concentration of Ag+ at which AgCl will precipitate by rearranging the equation: [Ag+] = Ksp / [Cl-]

3. AgBr: The balanced equation for the reaction is: AgNO3 + KBr -> AgBr + KNO3
The Ksp expression for AgBr is: [Ag+][Br-] = Ksp
Since the concentration of Br- is already given (0.001 M), you can calculate the concentration of Ag+ at which AgBr will precipitate by rearranging the equation: [Ag+] = Ksp / [Br-]

To calculate the percentage of I- precipitated before reaching the concentration of AgBr at which it precipitates, you need to consider the initial concentration of I- and the concentration of Ag+ at which AgBr will form.

To calculate the percentage, you can use the equation: (Concentration of I- precipitated / Initial concentration of I-) * 100.

Similarly, to calculate the percentage of Br- precipitated before reaching the concentration of AgCl at which it precipitates, you use the equation: (Concentration of Br- precipitated / Initial concentration of Br-) * 100.

Note: The solubility product constant (Ksp) values for AgI, AgCl, and AgBr will need to be provided to calculate the exact precipitation concentrations and percentages.