What volume of benzene (C6H6, d= 0.88g/ml, molar mass= 78.11g/mol) is required to produce 1.5x10^3 kJ of heat according to the following reaction?

I just can't figure out what equation to use to solve this. Help, please?

What reaction?

The given reaction was:

dH rxn= -6278kJ

To solve this problem, we need to determine the appropriate equation using the given information.

First, let's take a look at the reaction. Unfortunately, you haven't provided the reaction equation, so it's challenging to proceed without it. The reaction equation is crucial because it dictates the stoichiometry of the reactants and products, which allows us to determine the molar ratio between different substances involved.

Could you please provide the reaction equation related to benzene (C6H6) and the product involved in producing 1.5x10^3 kJ of heat?