On a California map 1/4 of an inch represents 20 miles how many miles does 3 1/4 inches represent

0.25 / 20 = 3.25 / x

Cross multiply and solve for x.


To find out how many miles 3 1/4 inches represent on a California map where 1/4 inch represents 20 miles, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the number of 1/4 inch increments in 3 1/4 inches.
3 1/4 inches is equal to 13 quarters (3 inches is equivalent to 12 quarters, and adding 1 more quarter for the remaining 1/4 inch).

Step 2: Multiply the number of quarters by the number of miles each quarter represents.
Since each 1/4 inch represents 20 miles, multiplying 13 quarters by 20 miles per quarter gives you:
13 quarters * 20 miles per quarter = 260 miles.

Therefore, 3 1/4 inches on the California map represents 260 miles.