In a survey, 12% of people have no pets, 44% of the people have 1 pet, 16%of the people have 2 pets and 28% have 3 or more pets. If 126 people have two or fewer pets, how many people were in the survey?

(1-.28)x = 126

Solve for x.

I don’t know I need helps


To determine the number of people in the survey, we need to calculate the total percentage of people who have two or fewer pets.

- Percentage of people with no pets: 12%
- Percentage of people with 1 pet: 44%
- Percentage of people with 2 pets: 16%
- Percentage of people with 3 or more pets: 28%

We know that there are 126 people with two or fewer pets, which includes people with no pets, 1 pet, and 2 pets.

Let's calculate the total percentage of people with two or fewer pets by summing up the percentages:
12% + 44% + 16% = 72%.

This means that 72% of the people in the survey have two or fewer pets.

To determine the total number of people in the survey, we can write the following equation:

(72/100) * Total_number_of_people = 126

To find the value of Total_number_of_people, we rearrange the equation:

Total_number_of_people = (126 * 100) / 72 = 175.

Therefore, there were 175 people in the survey.